Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Just got resituated after being home from work. Forgot what it's like to do eight hour days there. I seem to have also developed a head ache and feel somewhat tempted to go to bed right now. My review board went well. They said I was "on the edge of the cliff" and it was time to jump off or go backwards. I figured this is what they say to most juniors at this point, in other words, get your act together. Except in my case I was told my act was overly together and to try to make mistakes once in a while.
My room feels really empty now that my roomate has gone. It's good and bad at the same time. Kind of lonely but it is nice to just come home and not think about trying to talk to someone else.
I'm helping out my friend tomorrow with her board, which ended up being able to work out because I switched shifts with someone....they just happened to ask if i could.