Saturday, July 08, 2006

july 8th

I filled in for someone at nomad today- my first saturday working there. It wasn't that busy at all today- very dead in fact. I've come to understand that people just love talking on their phones very loudly in stores so that everyone can hear, in addition, people also like to stay on their phones while trying on clothes and while paying. Customers, please step outside if your call can not wait.

I waited for a half hour for the train to come- yes! I was being lazy and did not want to walk. Well, there was a man down there, clearly not all there, continuously repeating "I talked to conductor upstairs and he said that there is construction going on a charles street and that the train should be here in five to ten five to ten minutes, it will be here shortly..."etc, I felt bad for him, but it was still kind of funny. I think he was autistic the way he was obsessing about 5 minutes, ten minutes, and then talking about how much he paid for his soda and where he could get it 5 cents cheaper....number repetition. Unfortunately, he also smelled bad. So, giving up on waiting for the train, I walked home, while directing another person towards davis.

Now, having sucessfully filled my stomach with a frozen dinner entree, being Amy's cheese enchiladas - I am quite satisfied. I even licked the sauce off the plate.

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