so, i think i've notice a trend, i always write here when i'm tired and somewhat disgruntled. but for the time being i will fixate on the lovely music coming from my compute, being that of pride and prejudice. wouldn't it be lovely to dance with mr. darcy? I would quite fancy that. In fact, I wonder if i'm really doing the right thing now, you know with the current relatioship. maybe there's some one else out there who would fit me better....not that i don't love him or anything, but sometimes it doesn't feel quite right...and sometimes i think he feels that too. but there's no need to do anything rash now, there's no need to hurry anything. things will work out whatever way they are supposed to go.
gosh you know, when george reisner wrote about his findings he really did write. not that he wasn't good at it, but as a person who has way to much on her brain right now, i find it difficult to take it all in, in addition the AH reading on semiotics seems quite beyond me. I think art history (AH) has reached a point where everyone is making it up as they go along, in fact, they are trying to make these seemingly complicated analysis' (sp?) which in the end come across as stupid rather than astonishing. but maybe to the more learned art historian i have no idea what i am talking about. i enjoyed iconography....but then again i am sleepy.
in the meantime, enjoy this photo (whoever you are) of my open yours too package. I sent it out today to canada - i hope it gets there, i seem to have bad luck with things arriving.
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