Wednesday, February 22, 2006

this bothers me *see below*

lost wasn't on tonight! sadness. i've been online the past hour or so trying to find more information on marithe and francois girbaud, but alas, no one in good ole america seems to know who they are. i would give five dollars to someone could explain to me why the only thing anyone knows about them is that you see their clothes along side roca wear and baby phat and all that, but that's not the clothing that i am referring to! i don't think they are too separate labels, maybe one is like a ready to wear line and the one i'm looking for is the couture line??? honesty i don't understand. they have one store in soho that has the clothing i'm referring to- and ibiza does too i guess.

i suppose you're all wondering why i'm writing on this, well i'm going to have to write a report about a designer, and i guess i'f the only answers are in french i won't be writing about them , now will i?

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