Friday, March 03, 2006

for giggles

i'm getting tired- hey just like last time. that picture came out crooked, for that i apologize. i called emily to wish her a happy birthday. i think she was glad to hear from me. ricky's coming up tomorrow morning, and i'm excited to see him. maybe i could even get the gary graham dress this weekend? is it possible? maybe i should wait just due to logistics. i would have no where to wear it right now.

i've been working on my boat pit power point presentation most of today. and now i've rocking out to the wonderful jarvis cocker. i was finally able to find the harry potter songs online...yay! i think it would be really funny to make a jarvis powerpoint presentation. i would enjoy that. maybe i will make one for giggles. and then i could laugh and be happy about it, and it would be my own little joke.

i guess we have moths downstairs now- uhgg. and we have mice. and we are so clean too! i don't get it. but everything seems to be okay room mate wise- i'll just wait for them to come to me now. i just started Njal's Saga- it looks long but pretty good, there are so many details -just like the eddas- all these things about who is whose daughter/son and where they came from but it really does not pertain to the story itself.....oh sleep i go

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