Friday, July 07, 2006

Well, my schedule has now changed quite a bit, I've lost some hours at the library, dropping to 12 versus the previous 17, how sad. And none of the hours are with my friend, who is moving from boston shortly. I might run over to spark later and see if it's too late to sign up for the class tonight....I've never used my free class yet, and I thought, why not tonight, before I move from the area and switch over to down town.

That's right, I'll be moving mid-August. I've temporarily had enough of apartment living....and when I went to try to find a new apartment, well, things in the area are not in great condition, and nevertheless, they are so expensive! So as not to disclose the exact place I shall be living, let's just say I found a great place in Beacon hill- yes, yes, a very nice place, which under most circumstances I would never be able to live in in my dreams. To put it simply, I am very excited. =)

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