Sunday, October 15, 2006

sunday sunday

What a nice day at work. I love my job, I'm excited for the holidays. I need to bring in more crane earrings for next times...only two pairs left. I made my first Nomad Cd mix, which made my day lovely listening to some of my favorite tunes at work. Put some money down on the cydwoq bag, which I am super excited about. My roomate is playing the rent sndtk now- I love listening to her singing along... and oh how I love musicals...they have a lot of sentimental value for me....very high school...i love them.

I've been trying to get better at the piano lately. I keep waiting for my nick cave piano book to come in, because the one they sent me before was defecctive and had marker scribbles all over it!! yuck! nevertheless I photo copied one of the songs out of it that was readable.

my knitted shawl is coming along, but i need to spin more yarn so that I can keep going. Ricky is starting to spin! He is so cute, I'll have to post a picture of his first ball of yarn. He was so proud of himself, and I was too. I'm happy that he is finding so other activity for himself. Now I'm just worrying he's going to get better than me!

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