Monday, September 24, 2007


interesting title but not exactly pertinant to things right now. as scent permeats the room i will now practice writing. this place is a place of homework, reading, writing, and dawdling and playing on the computer. I'm going to make myself go to bed within fifteen minutes. can't keep these late night hours up when classes come around the bend so quickly in the morning.

grr I want to learn how to use my serger. should I just go for it on my own....not that I exactly have any specific projects going right now. I should probably make pillow covers next, although I have little use for any more pillows. Too many of them take up my bed as it is!

There is little concrete evidence to support claims and i trying to look onto the realistic side of things rightnow, and specfically not get my hopes up. I've done that too many time. But I wonder what this all says about me and about where I am going with things. Quiet is daunting but somewhat peaceful. I get to see one of my friends this saturday who I haven't seen in a long time. there is also the potential possibilty of canoeing....which would be different but I think it would be good to shuffle things up a bit. Get minds off certain things....

I am half way done with my paper for my AH class....It's challanging, this assignment. I was taught so long that my writing style was to ...weird that I could use it so gradually I taught myself to write very formally, and I now that I am being asked to be creative again i keep thinking that everything that I write sounds bazaar.

Can you smell that from here? Can you see that? It's so nice. I've been learning that seeing, really seeing, is another form of touching. perhaps closer than touching. what is is like to be seen? to really be have someone look at you and have a relationship strictly through the eyes. I think my current situation is helping me better understand this "Darsan" because I consistantly try to look for more in gestures than there really is.

My camera is officially dead. My phone survived. I would have prefered it the other way around.

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